The Johnsons

The Johnsons
Chris & Michele, Malachi, Josiah, Levi, & Isaac

Monday, December 21, 2015

Help my unbelief!

John 6:9
“There is a boy here who had five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?

A crowd of 5,000 men and many more women & children had followed Jesus to be healed of their diseases. Jesus had spoken many hard words but had healed many diseases as well. He came to show compassion on them to draw them to Himself, ultimately to save the lost, His chosen people.

Here we find a moment when the people were tired and hungry. Jesus decided to test the disciples and to show them more and more of who He was by His miraculous works. Jesus asks Philip where they could buy bread for all that were there. He was put on the spot, what was he to say? He begins to think in worldly means and answers that there would not be enough food if he even had a year wages. Philip answered probably as we all would have on the spot.

Maybe that is how we answer today, when we look at our circumstances and where God has us. Many times, we loose sight of who our Great God is and what He does. I know I do. I begin to see the world and the “wisdom” of the world in situations and I forget that He holds it all together and I need to trust Him and cry out to Him!

Andrew was listening and his faith was a greater one then Philip, and us most of the time. He saw a few fish and loaves of bread, knew what Jesus could do, and brought them up to Jesus to see what He would do. Then Jesus blessed them and they multiplied so that at the end, there was more then started with and everyone was filled! If we know He is truly God, we need to trust Him in everything, YES, EVERYTHING!

At the end of Chapter 6 there in John, when all the rest of the “disciples” leave Jesus because of His hard sayings, Jesus asks the 12, “Do you want to go away as well?” Their response should be our response, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God”. We have tasted that He is good and we know He is the Holy One of God. Let us abide in Him and trust Him in ALL things!

Praying that God would increase our faith and keep our eyes on Him!

For His Glory!

“God has promised to supply our needs. What we don’t have now we don’t need now.” – Elizabeth Elliot

“I believe; help my unbelief!” – Mark 9:24

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