The Johnsons

The Johnsons
Chris & Michele, Malachi, Josiah, Levi, & Isaac

Friday, December 16, 2011


Today was a great day! Malachi was taken off all extra oxygen. He is breathing completely on his own. They removed the feeding tube and the arterial line. He will be bottle fed at every feeding now. Currently he is eating about 1/3 of an ounce each feeding, every 3 hours. They will increase each feeding by 1 mL as long as he keeps doing well. He is still on IV Fluids until he is receiving enough calories from bottle feeding with my milk. Today I was able to feed him for the first time and hold him for the first time. Chris and I were so excited to finally hold him and kiss him. It was amazing! They also changed him from the open bed under the heater to an incubator. This is the next step toward being in a regular crib. Hopefully he will be able to maintain his own body temperature soon and be moved into a regular crib. Malachi weighed in at 4lbs 5oz last night. Thank you for your prayers, God seems to be progressing this little boy pretty quickly and we are very grateful. Can't wait to get him home. Hoping he bulks up soon!


  1. That is awesome news! So thankful to hear you got to hold him and feed him. I bet the touch of Daddy and Mommy will get him growing even quicker!
