The Johnsons

The Johnsons
Chris & Michele, Malachi, Josiah, Levi, & Isaac

Thursday, January 5, 2012

4 Weeks

Today Malachi is 4 weeks old and tomorrow will be 3 weeks until his due date! I can not believe how fast the past four weeks have gone even though it seems like we are living the same day over and over. I don't feel like I get anything done really. It has been such a humbling experience having my schedule and control of things stripped away from me. Selfishness is being exposed too and I am forced to do what needs to be done to care for him. Of course I do this gladly but I also wish at times that other things were getting done as well. I guess I am learning what is important and what can wait.    

Malachi is doing well and continues to grow. He is 1lb heavier than he was 2 weeks ago according to the scale we are using at home. Today he weighed in at 5lb 11oz. Tomorrow we take him to the doctor to get circumcised and to get his first shot- Hep. B. I think he will probably weigh around 6lbs on their scale. I am excited to see if he has grown in length as well as he seems longer to me.

Malachi is up to 3 feedings a day with the nipple shield and 5 with the bottle. He has been pretty consistently waking up on his own at night between 3-4hrs feeding to feeding. He doesn't really cry yet just fusses and starts sucking on his fingers. I am surprised this is enough to wake me up! He does not wake up during the day on his own to eat, I still have to wake him. He takes 3oz now at each bottle feeding and I am guessing around 2 to 2.5, maybe more when breast feeding. Big thank you to Shannon Ferraby and Lisa Giordano for helping me through this process of trying to get him to nurse.

We continue to see that Malachi is a little fighter and has a strong stubborn will like his mommy. Right now we are thankful or that as he is doing well growing but will be interesting when he gets older!


  1. Lovely to see those cute little...dare I say almost chubby..cheeks!!! :) are welcome-it is a blessing to me.

  2. Malachi is looking so you are definitely "doing" something :) Great to talk yesterday. Praying for you all as you begin this precious journey of parenthood.

  3. Shannon- the cheeks are close to chubby and I love kissing them!

    E- So nice talking to you too! He is growing fast. Pretty much out of preemie clothes now!

  4. I echo the comments - he really is plumping up!! That is so great. Wow!
