The Johnsons

The Johnsons
Chris & Michele, Malachi, Josiah, Levi, & Isaac

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Happy Due Date Day, Malachi Owen 1.27.12

Yesterday was Malachi's due date! Wow, I can't even imagine still being pregnant for the past 7 weeks. Looking at how big he is now I am enjoying him being here on the outside. We weighed Malachi for fun yesterday to see around about what he would have been if I carried him full term. He weighed in at 8lbs 5oz! He is filling out really well and really looks like a newborn now! I think he will be out of his newborn size clothing soon and into 0-3 months. Malachi has been consistently waking up on
his own at night. I usually feed him around 10/10:30pm and he is up between 1:30-2am and then again at 5/5:30. I have been trying to make his first feeding of the day at 7:30 but I think I am going to start pushing it back to 8/8:30 because he isn't really ready to eat again that close together. Hopefully I will try to get two closer feedings in at night, 8pm and then again at 10/10:30 to keep his schedule pretty much the same everyday and load him up for the night instead of heavy in the morning. Maybe that will help him sleep a little longer than 3-4hrs. During the day he usually eats every 3hrs, sometimes 2.5. I mostly have to wake him to eat but lately I can hear him starting to wake up around the time to eat so that has been good to see him getting to know his eating times. Malachi seems to be a pretty easy baby. For the most part he eats, stays awake for a while and is very alert and observant and then I put him down and he goes to sleep for 1.5-2hrs during the day and stays asleep until I wake him to eat again. 4/5pm seems to be a time he can get a little unsettled. He isn't terribly fussing or crying a lot or but he sometimes likes to skip this nap and just can't get settled. Malachi continues to show us how strong his will is and his strength. He can hold his head up pretty well and will let you know if he doesn't want to be doing something like getting changed for example. Malachi is a good eater. He eats a lot and sometimes very quickly. We think he is a little guzzler. We have really enjoyed the past 7 weeks with him and are thankful that God has grown him so much. Looking forward to experiencing all of the little milestones ahead as we journey on with a "full term" baby.

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