The Johnsons

The Johnsons
Chris & Michele, Malachi, Josiah, Levi, & Isaac

Friday, January 20, 2012

6 Weeks

Yesterday Malachi turned 6 weeks old. He weighed in at 7lbs 8oz! He is really starting to look like a normal new born and seems to be doing everything he should be at this point and more. On January 9, almost 2 weeks ago, we went cold turkey with trying to get him to fully breast feed. It only took 3o min of screaming the first time and working through a couple little kinks and he has been good! So thankful for God's mercy in allowing him to catch on so quickly because I was really DONE with all the pumping and extra work going on just trying to get the boy fed. He has been steadily gaining weight as you can see from the weight gain and eating well. He usually has 7 feedings a day and goes 3hrs feeding to feeding during the day. I try to make his first feeding around 7am and last at 10. He is waking up on his own at night around the 4hr mark to eat again. Malachi has been lifting his head up and holding it there for over a week now and is very alert when awake. He is a very content baby and doesn't cry much, just when hungry. We are looking forward to some smiles in the near future!

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